UAE Interpol Abuse Increased, Not Ceased - Emirates Expanding Use of Interpol as Retaliatory Tactic
The UAE government is continuing to misuse Interpol as an instrument for debt collection, despite recent reports that they had ceased to...
The implications of a “GCCPol” listing: Living as a "wanted person" in the gulf...
We are contacted relentlessly by people who are concerned that they may be listed on the gulf region´s version of Interpol, GCCPol,...
Private funding of Interpol: another slam to credibility
It has recently come to light that Interpol has begun to receive funding from major corporations. Industries from tobacco to...
Extradition News: UAE applies to Spain for the extradition of a British National accused of breach o
The UAE is increasing its efforts to extradite foreign nationals who have returned to their own countries. A number of the extradition...
Michael Halliday fights UAE's extradition request in the UK on Human Rights Grounds. Judgment i
Radha Stirling, founder of Detained in Dubai fully supports Mr Halliday's defence and anticipates a favourable judgment. Michael...
UAE initiated extradition requests in Spain & Abroad
The UAE has drawn foreigners to its shores for a number of years, attracted to the well marketed allure of a glamorous, affluent...
Police Check Dubai - Essential Planning
A man was arrested last week on arrival at Dubai International Airport, after a police check returned false negative results. The...
"GCC Pol", a gulf region Interpol replica has been established. Those with police cases o
The GCC countries have joined forces to establish an Interpol style agency for the enforcement of policing and information sharing within...
Revealed: avoid potential arrest in the UAE with simple police check
A UK charity has urged expats to arrange a criminal check on themselves before returning to the UAE, to avoid being arrested for an...
UK Rules against UAE Extradition Request in case of Yasir Afsar
We are privileged to announce that after a lengthy and costly battle, Westminster Magistrates Court has ruled last week that the United...